Telsa Motors Electric Car

Tesla Ron Moore Extrication ERGTesla Motors is a Silicon Valley-based company that designs, manufactures and sells electric vehicles (EVs) and electric vehicle powertrain components. If you used PayPal before the company was bought by eBay than you helped this car company get off the ground running. Elon Musk, a cofounder of Telsa Motors was also a cofounder of PayPal and Space Exploration Technologies Corp. (SpaceX).


UPDATE!!!  September 2012

Tesla Motors has really stepped up to the plate to help get extrication based vehicle information out to firefighters and first responders.  Tesla Motors enlisted the help of Ron Moore and Brock Archer. Currently, Moore and Brock are working closely with Tesla Motors on an Emergency Response Guide and other training information and medias.  Check back soon for more information!



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